DevOps Fundamentals: Gain Solid Understanding - ClayDesk E-Campus

DevOps Fundamentals: Gain Solid Understanding

DevOps Fundamentals: Gain Solid Understanding

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DevOps Fundamentals: Gain Solid Understanding (Updated Course – New Lectures Added)

DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable the continuous delivery of value to end users. Moreover, it aims to create a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly. Not only that the software pipeline delivery is frequent, and more reliable. Thus, you can scale for the enterprise. By taking this DevOps Fundamentals course, you’ll be able to define DevOps, understand why you need DevOps, and learn how you can get started with DevOps. In addition, you’ll learn the key ideas and techniques to bring development and operations together to produce higher-quality software and deliver it more quickly.

Learning Objectives
After completing this DevOps Fundamentals course, you will be able to:
  1. Define DevOps and describe its value, history, and building blocks.
  2. Describe how to unify processes and improve collaboration between development and operations.
  3. Identify areas to consider when incorporating DevOps practice for continuous improvement.
  4. Explain the key concepts and benefits of Continuous Integration (CI), continuous testing, and continuous deployment.
  5. Identify tools and practices for implementing CI, testing, and continuous deployment.
  6. Explain the key concepts and benefits of Release Management, configuration management, and monitoring in DevOps.
  7. Identify tools and practices for implementing Release Management, configuration management, and monitoring.

In addition to the ClayDesk E-Campus 30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee. Moreover, you will love what you learn in this course. However, if you ever have any questions please feel free to message us directly and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible! You will also get FREE web hosting at ClayDesk hosting service once you enroll. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for additional resources.

Level Price  
All Courses $19.00 per Month. Select
Annual Subscription $199.00 per Year. Select
Monthly Membership $19.00 per Month. Select
6 Months Subscription $99.00 every 6 Months. Select

So, what are you waiting for? Above all. you will increase your knowledge, skills, and abilities.

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What Will You Learn?

  • You will gain a solid understanding about DevOps
  • Gain valuable skills and concepts regarding agile
  • Scrum framework and how is fits with DevOps
  • Learn about Continuous Integration and Delivery

Course Content


DevOps Essentials
In this section you will learn what DevOps is and its value including Salary Survey of DevOps professionals as well as new entrants

DevOps In Action – Putting Things In Perspective. Bringing It Together
In this section you will learn how DevOps processes brings Agile Methodology and Operations together

Conclusion and Bonus!
In this section you will find several bonus lessons and resources!